The Board of Directors of SRV Group Plc decided on new incentive plans for the group’s key employees

SRV GROUP PLC                STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE               28 MARCH 2023 AT 8:30 EEST

The Board of Directors of SRV Group Plc decided on new incentive plans for the group’s key employees

The Board of Directors of SRV Group Plc has decided to establish a new share-based incentive plan as well as a cash-based reward plan for the group’s key employees. The aim of the plans is to align the objectives of the company's shareholders and key employees in order to increase the value of the company in the long term as well as to retain the key employees at the company.

Performance Share Plan 2023

The Performance Share Plan 2023 consists of four performance periods covering the financial years 2023–2024, 2023–2025, 2024–2026 and 2025–2027. The Board of Directors will decide annually on the commencement and details of the performance periods.

In the plan, the target group is given an opportunity to earn SRV Group Plc shares based on the achievement of the targets set for the performance periods. The potential reward based on the plan will be paid partly in SRV Group Plc shares and partly in cash after the end of the performance period. . The cash proportion of the reward is intended to cover taxes and statutory social security contributions arising from the reward to the participant.

Rewards from the performance period 2023–2024 are based on the value of the order backlog and structure of the order backlog, taking into account the threshold condition based on the operative operating profit. Rewards from the performance period 2023–2025 are based on the operative operating profit, repayment of the hybrid bond and the share of lifecycle-wise construction in the total order backlog of developer-contracted, development and lifecycle projects.

A Corporate Executive Team member is obliged to hold 50 per cent of the net shares paid to them until the value of their total shareholding in the company corresponds to 50 per cent of their annual gross salary. Correspondingly, the President and CEO of the company is obliged to hold 50 per cent of the net shares paid to them until the value of their shareholding in the company corresponds to their annual gross salary. The shareholding amount must be held as long as the membership in the Corporate Executive Team or the position as the President and CEO continues.

The value of the gross rewards to be paid from the performance periods commencing in 2023 will correspond to an approximate maximum total of 450 000 SRV Group Plc shares, including the cash proportion. Approximately 25 persons, including the President and CEO of the company and other Corporate Executive Team members, belong to the target groups of the performance periods. Upon reward payment, share price will be capped at a maximum of 20 euros.

Cash-based reward plan

In the cash-based reward plan, the target group has an opportunity to earn a euro-denominated cash reward. The final value of the cash reward is determined by a person's euro-dominated allocation as well as by the percentage change in value of the company share measured during the performance periods lasting between 12 and 36 months. Performance periods can start during financial years 2023–2024. The maximum baseline reward amount to be allocated to the participants is 275 000 euros. In share price performance, a maximum of 100 per cent appreciation will be taken into account for the reward determination. Of the earned gross reward, a maximum of 50 per cent share can be paid in shares on the basis of a separate decision.

In general, no reward based on the plans will be paid if the participant’s employment or director contract terminates before the reward payment.


Board of Directors

For further information, please contact:

Anu Tuomola, Senior Vice President, General Counsel, tel. 358 50 414 3280,


Nasdaq Helsinki
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SRV in brief

SRV is a Finnish developer and innovator in the construction industry. We are building a more sustainable and responsible urban environment that fosters economic value and takes the wellbeing of both the environment and people into consideration. We call this approach lifecycle wisdom. Our genuine engagement and enthusiasm for our work comes across in every encounter – and listening is one of our most important ways of working. We believe that the only way to change the world is through discussion.

Our company, established in 1987, is listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange. We operate in growth centres in Finland. In 2022, our revenue totalled EUR 770.1 million. In addition to approximately 1,000 in-house staff, we have a network of around 3,800 partners.