Preliminary result of SRV Group Plc's successful rights issue

SRV GROUP PLC             STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE             16 JUNE 2020 AT 14.00 EET

Preliminary result of SRV Group Plc's successful rights issue


The subscription period for SRV Group Plc's ("SRV") rights issue (the "Offering") ended on 12 June 2020. According to the preliminary results of the Offering, a total of 141,386,439 offer shares (the "Offer Shares") were subscribed for in the Offering, corresponding to approximately 107.9 per cent of the 131,049,371 Offer Shares, and the Offering was thus oversubscribed. A total of 126,783,860 Offer Shares were subscribed for with subscription rights, corresponding to approximately 96.7 per cent of the 131,049,371 Offer Shares, and a total of 14,602,579 Offer Shares were subscribed for without subscription rights. The subscription price in the Offering was EUR 0.38 per Offer Share. SRV will receive gross proceeds of approximately EUR 50 million, from the Offering.

"The company raises new equity of approximately EUR 48.5 million in the rights issue that is now concluded. Last month we announced that the share issue directed to the holders of our capital notes as a part of our recovery programme was a success. The successful completion of both offerings is a great indication on the strengthening confidence towards the company. Thanks to the successful implementation of our recovery programme, we have been able to strengthen our balance sheet and improve our financial position significantly. In the next phase we will continue to develop the company, focusing on operative earning power and development of our business," says Saku Sipola, the CEO of SRV.

The final results of the Offering will be published on or about 17 June 2020 after the Board of Directors of SRV has approved the subscriptions made in the Offering. Allotment of Offer Shares will be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Offering. As a result of the Offering, the total number of shares in SRV will increase by 131,049,371 from 131,967,970 to 263,017,341 provided that the Board of Directors of SRV approves the subscriptions made in the Offering. The Offer Shares issued in the Offering amount to approximately 49.8 per cent of the outstanding shares in SRV following the Offering.

The Offer Shares will be registered with the Trade Register maintained by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office on or about 18 June 2020. The last day of trading in the interim shares on the official list of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd ("Nasdaq Helsinki") will be on or about 18 June 2020. The interim shares will be combined with the existing shares of SRV on or about 19 June 2020. Trading in the Offer Shares is expected to commence on Nasdaq Helsinki on or about 22 June 2020. The Offer Shares confer the same rights as SRV's other shares, after being registered with the Trade Register and delivered on the investor's book-entry account, on or about 19 June 2020.

Danske Bank A/S, Finland Branch acts as the Sole Global Coordinator of the Offering. Krogerus Attorneys Ltd acts as legal counsel to SRV. Roschier, Attorneys Ltd. acts as legal counsel to the Sole Global Coordinator.


For further information, please contact:

Ilkka Pitkänen, CFO, tel. +358 (0)40 667 0906,

Nasdaq Helsinki
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SRV in brief

SRV is a bold developer and innovator in the construction industry. We want to offer the best customer experience as a constructor of urban city centres, while also being the most attractive employer in the industry. Our genuine cooperation and enthusiasm for our work comes across in every encounter. Sustainability is reflected in all our activities.

Established in 1987, we are a publicly listed company since 2007 in Helsinki Nasdaq stock exchange that operates in selected growth centres in Finland and Russia. Our revenue in 2019 was EUR 1,061 million. Over 1,000 people work for us and we employ a network of almost 4,000 subcontractors in our projects.

SRV - Building for life



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The Sole Global Coordinator is acting exclusively for SRV and no one else in connection with the Offering. It will not regard any other person as its respective client in relation to the Offering. The Sole Global Coordinator will not be responsible to anyone other than SRV for providing the protections afforded to its respective clients nor for giving advice in relation to the Offering or any transaction or arrangement referred to herein.

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