Jaakkola Arkkitehdit - Rajamäen kampus - ulkokuva_f6.jpg

SRV to build the new Rajamäki campus in Nurmijärvi

SRV GROUP PLC     INVESTOR NEWS      23 MAY 2023    at 14.05 pm

SRV to build the new Rajamäki campus in Nurmijärvi

SRV and the municipality of Nurmijärvi have signed an agreement on the construction of a new Rajamäki campus building. The project will take the form of a turnkey contract, and the value of the agreement to SRV is approximately EUR 24 million. Under a turnkey contract, the contractor is responsible for the design, engineering and implementation of the project. The project will be recognised in SRV’s order backlog in May. The construction planning phase will begin in autumn 2023. 

The Rajamäki campus will contain secondary-school premises for grades 6–9 and sports facilities to be used by the school and sports services organisation. The campus will be completed in 2025, and landscaping will be completed in spring 2026.

The construction of the Rajamäki campus will include a new building to replace the Seven Brothers and Kuntola building. The Rajakaari sports facility will also be replaced by a new building. The project will provide users with healthy, modern facilities that can be adapted according to changes in the number of pupils.

“The Rajamäki campus is SRV’s first school project in the municipality of Nurmijärvi, and we are keen to get started in the coming autumn. We have carried out several school projects under the turnkey model in the municipalities surrounding the Helsinki metropolitan area, such as the Jokirinne education centre in Kirkkonummi and the education and wellbeing centre in Siuntio, implemented as lifecycle projects. We have used the experience and knowledge we gained on these projects in the best possible way in the design, engineering and tendering phases of the Rajamäki campus project,” says Saku Kosonen, Project Manager at SRV.

The Rajamäki campus will embody a lifecycle-wise mindset

The campus will be built to allow for the installation of solar panels. In addition, an air-to-water heat pump will produce renewable energy for the building. The building’s energy class will be A. The site will be designed around natural values and green views. The trees on the plot will be preserved if possible, and new saplings will be planted. Biodiversity will be strengthened by making meadow grass areas at the edges of the break area.

“The Rajamäki campus is currently the most important construction project in the municipality of Nurmijärvi, and we are happy to be able to launch the project with a high-quality builder. The school pupils are currently in temporary facilities, so we are looking forward to having new, healthy and safe facilities built on time and cost-effectively,” says Juha Oksanen, Technical Director at the Municipality of Nurmijärvi.

The campus is in the centre of Rajamäki village in Nurmijärvi. The Rajamäki campus will provide facilities for 600 pupils in comprehensive education. The total scope of the buildings on the campus is approximately 7,600 gross square metres.


Saku Kosonen, Unit Director, SRV, tel. +358 40 549 1221, saku.kosonen@srv.fi

Heli Pulkkinen, Communications Specialist, SRV, tel.+358 50 411 0787, heli.pulkkinen@srv.fi

Juha Oksanen, Technical Director, Municipality of Nurmijärvi, tel. +358 40 317 2300, juha.oksanen@nurmijarvi.fi

Image used in the bulletin: Jaakkola Arkkitehdit


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SRV in brief SRV is a Finnish developer and innovator in the construction industry. We are building a more sustainable and responsible urban environment that fosters economic value and takes the wellbeing of both the environment and people into consideration. We call this approach lifecycle wisdom. Our genuine engagement and enthusiasm for our work comes across in every encounter – and listening is one of our most important ways of working. We believe that the only way to change the world is through discussion.

Our company, established in 1987, is listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange. We operate in growth centres in Finland. In 2022, our revenue totalled EUR 770.1 million. In addition to approximately 1,000 in-house staff, we have a network of around 3,800 partners.

SRV – Building for life