
SRV to build new premises for Jousenkaari school centre in Tapiola, Espoo

SRV GROUP PLC     INVESTOR NEWS     4 MAY 2020      16:00 EET

SRV to build new premises for Jousenkaari school centre in Tapiola, Espoo

SRV and the Espoo Premises Services unit of the City of Espoo have signed an agreement for building new premises for the Jousenkaari school centre in Tapiola. The new school centre will be implemented as a collaborative project management contract. The total value of the contract is approximately EUR 17 million, which will be recognised in SRV’s order backlog in May.

The new school centre will be constructed in the close vicinity of the former Jousenkaari school. The new two-storey building will have a total enrolment of 480 elementary students. The total scope of the building is approximately 5,960 square metres of floor area.

“SRV is building safe, healthy and functional school facilities for the new Jousenkaari school centre. We have successfully carried out several school projects such as the Jätkäsaari elementary school and the second Lauttasaari elementary school and day-care centre in Helsinki as well as Kurittula school in Masku, which were all completed last year. Currently we are building schools in locations such as Leppävaara in Espoo, Maunula in Helsinki and Kirkkonummi,” says Unit Director Saku Kosonen, who is responsible for the project at SRV.

The project development phase begun in November 2019. Construction will begin in May 2020. Construction is expected to be completed in spring 2022,  and students will start their studies in the new school centre in beginning of fall semester 2022.

”The new Jousenkaari school centre excellently fulfils the objectives set in Fix the schools in Espoo -program. Cooperation with SRV has gone well in previous projects and we naturally expect it from this project as well”, says Maija Lehtinen, managing director of the Premises Department of the City of Espoo.

The aim of the project is a functionally and qualitatively high-level school with open, multi-purpose and flexible facilities to serve future users; teachers, students, and evening and weekend users. The solutions aspire to structures and materials that are healthy and easy to maintain, as well as the lowest possible energy consumption.

For further information, please contact:

Saku Kosonen, Unit director, SRV, tel. +358 (0)40 549 1221,
Heidi Tetteh, Communications manager, SRV, tel. +358 (0)40 662 3220,
Maija Lehtinen, Managing director, Premises Department of the City of Espoo,


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SRV in brief

SRV is developer and innovator in the construction industry. We want to offer the best customer experience as a constructor of urban city centres, while also being the most attractive employer in the industry. Our genuine cooperation and enthusiasm for our work comes across in every encounter. Sustainability is reflected in all our activities.

Established in 1987, we are a publicly listed company since 2007 in Helsinki Nasdaq stock exchange that operates in growth centres in Finland and Russia. Our revenue in 2019 was EUR 1,061 million. Over 1,000 people work for us and we employ a network of almost 4,000 subcontractors in our projects.

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