Previous flagging notifications

Notifications of major shareholdings to be made to listed company and FIN-FSA

According to the Finnish Securities Markets Act a shareholder is required, without undue delay, to notify the issuer and the Finnish Financial Supervision Authority when the shareholder’s interest in share capital or votes in such Finnish issuer whose shares are subject to public reaches, exceeds or falls below the thresholds of 5 percent, 10 percent, 15 percent, 20 percent, 25 percent, 30 percent, 50 percent or 66 ⅔ percent.

The notification should be sent to the company and to FIN-FSA.

The notification submitted to FIN-FSA should be sent to the registry office by e-mail, at the address The notification to SRV Group PLC at the address

Flagging notification 1 July 2022

SRV Group Plc: Flagging notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

SRV Group Plc has received an announcement from OP Osuuskunta on 30 June 2022, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5. According to the announcement, OP Osuuskunta’s indirect holding through OP-Henkivakuutus Oy and Pohjola Vakuutus Oy, companies controlled by OP Osuuskunta, in SRV Group Plc has decreased below 10 per cent of the total shares and votes in SRV Group Plc.

Stock exchange release 1 July 2022

Flagging notification 29 June 2022

SRV Group Plc: Flagging notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

SRV Group Plc has received an announcement from Tuomas Kokkila on 28 June 2022, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5. According to the announcement, Tuomas Kokkila’s direct and indirect holding through Tungelin Investments Oy, a company controlled by him, in SRV Group Plc has on 28 June 2022 decreased below 5 per cent of the total shares and votes in SRV Group Plc as a result of SRV Group Plc’s directed share issue.

Stock exchange release 29 June 2022

Flagging notification 29 June 2022

SRV Group Plc: Flagging notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

SRV Group Plc has received an announcement from Lauri Kokkila on 28 June 2022, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5. According to the announcement, Lauri Kokkila’s direct and indirect holding through Lareale Investments Oy, a company controlled by him, in SRV Group Plc has on 28 June 2022 decreased below 5 per cent of the total shares and votes in SRV Group Plc as a result of SRV Group Plc’s directed share issue.

Stock exchange release 29 June 2022

Flagging notification 29 June 2022

SRV Group Plc: Flagging notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

SRV Group Plc has received an announcement from Etola Group Oy on 28 June 2022, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5. According to the announcement, Etola Group Oy’s, a company controlled by Erkki Etola, holding in SRV Group Plc has on 28 June 2022 decreased below 5% of the total shares and voting rights in SRV Group Plc. Etola Group Oy is a company controlled by Erkki Etola through direct ownership.

Stock exchange release 29 June 2022

Flagging notification 13 August 2020

SRV Group Plc: Flagging notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

SRV Group Plc has received an announcement from Ilpo Kokkila on 13 August 2020, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5. According to the announcement Ilpo Kokkila’s indirect holding in SRV Group Plc has on 12 August 2020 decreased below 10 per cent of the total shares and votes in SRV Group Plc. Pontos Oy has ceased to be an entity controlled by Ilpo Kokkila on 12 August 2020.

Stock exchange release 13 August 2020

Flagging notification 13 August 2020

SRV Group Plc: Flagging notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

SRV Group Plc has received an announcement from Pontos Oy on 13 August 2020, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5. According to the announcement, Pontos Oy is now announcing its 17.99% indirect holding in SRV Group Plc for the first time with its own flagging notification, as Pontos Oy has ceased to be an entity controlled by Ilpo Kokkila on 12 August 2020. Pontos Oy’s indirect holding in SRV Group Plc is 17.99% before and after the transaction.

Stock exchange release 13 August 2020

Flagging notification 18 June 2020

SRV Group Plc: Flagging notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

SRV Group Plc has received an announcement from Tuomas Kokkila on 18 June 2020, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5. According to the announcement, Tuomas Kokkila’s direct and indirect holding through Tungelin Investments Oy, a company controlled by him, in SRV Group Plc has on 18 June 2020 altogether increased above 5 per cent of the total shares and votes in SRV Group Plc as a result of SRV Group Plc’s rights issue.

Stock exchange release 18 June 2020

Flagging notification 18 June 2020

SRV Group Plc: Flagging notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

SRV Group Plc has received an announcement from Lauri Kokkila on 18 June 2020, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5. According to the announcement, Lauri Kokkila’s direct and indirect holding through Lareale Investments Oy, a company controlled by him, in SRV Group Plc has on 18 June 2020 altogether increased above 5 per cent of the total shares and votes in SRV Group Plc as a result of SRV Group Plc’s rights issue.

Stock exchange release 18 June 2020

Flagging notification 18 June 2020

SRV Group Plc: Flagging notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

SRV Group Plc has received an announcement from Erkki Etola on 18 June 2020, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5. According to the announcement Erkki Etola’s indirect holding through Tiiviste-Group Oy, a company controlled by him, in SRV Group Plc has on 18 June 2020 increased above 5 per cent of the total shares and votes in SRV Group Plc as a result of SRV Group Plc’s rights issue.

Stock exchange release 18 June 2020

Flagging notification 22 May 2020

SRV Group Plc: Flagging notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

SRV Group Plc has received an announcement from OP Cooperative on 22 May 2020, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5. According to the announcement OP Cooperative’s indirect holding through OP Life Assurance Company Ltd, Pohjola Insurance Ltd and OP Corporate Bank Plc, companies controlled by OP Cooperative, in SRV Group Plc ‘s shares has decreased below 15 per cent of the total shares and votes in SRV Group Plc as a result of share transactions concluded on 20 May 2020.

Stock exchange release 22 May 2020

Flagging notification 20 May 2020

SRV Group Plc: Flagging notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

SRV Group Plc has received an announcement from OP Cooperative on 20 May 2020, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5. According to the announcement OP Cooperative’s indirect holding through OP Life Assurance Company Ltd, Pohjola Insurance Ltd and OP Corporate Bank Plc, companies controlled by OP Cooperative, in SRV Group Plc ‘s shares increased above 15 per cent of the total shares and votes in SRV Group Plc as a result of directed share issue concluded on 19 May 2020.

Stock exchange release 20 May 2020

Flagging notification 20 May 2020

SRV Group Plc: Flagging notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

SRV Group Plc has received an announcement from Erkki Etola on 20 May 2020, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5. According to the announcement Erkki Etola’s indirect holding through Tiiviste-Group Oy, a company controlled by him, in SRV Group Plc has on 19 May 2020 decreased below 5 per cent of the total shares and votes in SRV Group Plc as a result of SRV Group Plc’s directed share issue.

Stock exchange release 20 May 2020

Flagging notification 20 May 2020

SRV Group Plc: Flagging notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

SRV Group Plc has received an announcement from Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company on 20 May 2020, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5. According to the announcement Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company’s direct holding in SRV Group Plc has on 19 May 2020 increased above 10 per cent of the total shares and votes in SRV Group Plc as a result of SRV Group Plc’s directed share issue.

Stock exchange release 20 May 2020

Flagging notification 20 May 2020

SRV Group Plc: Flagging notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

SRV Group Plc has received an announcement from Lauri Kokkila on 19 May 2020, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5. According to the announcement Lauri Kokkila’s direct holding in SRV Group Plc ‘s shares decreased below 5 per cent Plc as a result of directed share issue concluded on 19 May 2020.

Stock exchange release 20 May 2020

Flagging notification 20 May 2020

SRV Group Plc: Flagging notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

SRV Group Plc has received an announcement from Tuomas Kokkila on 19 May 2020, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5. According to the announcement Tuomas Kokkila’s direct holding in SRV Group Plc has on 19 May 2020 decreased below 5 per cent of the total shares and votes in SRV Group Plc as a result of SRV Group Plc’s directed share issue.

Stock exchange release 20 May 2020

Flagging notification 20 May 2020

SRV Group Plc: Flagging notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

SRV Group Plc has received an announcement from Timo Kokkila on 19 May 2020, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5. According to the announcement Timo Kokkila’s indirect holding through Havu Capital Oy, a company controlled by him, in SRV Group Plc has on 19 May 2020 decreased below 10 per cent of the total shares and votes in SRV Group Plc as a result of SRV Group Plc’s directed share issue.

Stock exchange release 20 May 2020

Flagging notification 20 May 2020

SRV Group Plc: Flagging notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

SRV Group Plc has received an announcement from Ilpo Kokkila on 19 May 2020, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5. According to the announcement Ilpo Kokkila’s indirect holding through AS Pontos Baltic and Kolpi Investments Oy, companies controlled by him, in SRV Group Plc ‘s shares increased above 25 per cent of the total shares and votes in SRV Group Plc as a result of directed share issue concluded on 19 May 2020.

Stock exchange release 20 May 2020

Flagging notification 30 September 2019

Notice pursuant to the Finnish Securities Market Act, Chapter 9, Section 10

SRV Group Plc has received an announcement from Timo Tapani Kokkila on 30 September 2019, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5.

According to the announcementTimo Tapani Kokkila’s direct holding in SRV Group Plc ‘s shares decreased below 5 per cent and his indirect holding through Havu Capital Oy, a company controlled by him, exceeded over 10 per cent of the share capital of SRV Group Plc as a result of share transactions concluded on 30 September 2019. Havu Capital Oy is a company wholly owned by Timo Tapani Kokkila.

Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the threshold was crossed:

Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the threshold was crossed (30 Sep, 2019)

Flagging notification 22 December 2016

Flagging notification in accordance with chapter 9 section 5 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act

SRV Group Plc has received a flagging notification from Ilpo Kokkila, pursuant to Chapter 9 Section 5 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act.

According to the flagging notification, the share of ownership and votes in SRV Group Plc has fallen below 20%. The share of ownership has changed on 22 December 2016.

When counting the flagging threshold, the direct and indirect ownership of the person subject to the notification obligation, have been included. The indirect ownership has been arranged through Kolpi Investments Oy (Company ID 1990453-6).

Ilpo Kokkila`s share of ownership and votes in SRV Group Plc: 

Before the flagging obligation arose:
24,494,301 shares, (direct 12,988,844, indirect 11,505,457)
After the flagging obligation arose:
11,505,457 shares (direct 0, indirect 11,505,457)

Share of ownership and votes in SRV Group Plc:

Before the flagging obligation arose:
40.47%  (direct 21.46%, indirect 19.01%)
After the flagging obligation arose:
19.01% (direct 0%, indirect 19.01%)

The flagging notification has been calculated based on the total amount of SRV Group Plc’s shares and votes: 60,499,575.

Flagging notification in accordance with Chapter 9 Section 5 of the Finnish Securities Markets

SRV Group Plc has received a flagging notification from Lauri Kokkila, pursuant to Chapter 9 Section 5 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act.

According to the flagging notification, the share of Lauri Kokkila`s ownership and votes in SRV Group Plc has exceeded 10%. The share of ownership has changed on 22 December 2016.

Lauri Kokkila`s share of ownership and votes in SRV Group Plc:

Before the flagging obligation arose: 0  shares
After the flagging obligation arose: 6,494,422 shares

Share of ownership and votes in SRV Group Plc:
Before the flagging obligation arose: 0%
After the flagging obligation arose: 10.73%

The flagging notification has been calculated based on the total amount of SRV Group Plc’s shares and votes: 60,499,575.

Flagging notification in accordance with Chapter 9 Section 5 of the Finnish Securities Markets

SRV Group Plc has received a flagging notification from Tuomas Kokkila, pursuant to Chapter 9 Section 5 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act.

According to the flagging notification, the share of Tuomas Kokkila`s ownership and votes in SRV Group Plc has exceeded 10%. The share of ownership has changed on 22 December 2016.

Tuomas Kokkila`s share of ownership and votes in SRV Group Plc:

Before the flagging obligation arose: 0 shares
After the flagging obligation arose: 6,494,422 shares

Share of ownership and votes in SRV Group Plc:

Before the flagging obligation arose: 0%
After the flagging obligation arose: 10.73%
The flagging notification has been calculated based on the total amount of SRV Group Plc’s shares and votes: 60,499,575.

Flagging notification 18 May 2015

Flagging notification in accordance with chapter 9 section 10 oh the Finnish Securities Market Act

SRV Group Plc has received a flagging notification from Tiiviste-Group Oy, a company Mr Erkki Etola controls, pursuant to Chapter 9 Section 5 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act.

According to the flagging notification, the share of ownership and votes in SRV Group Plc has exceeded 5%. The share of ownership has changed on 15 May 2015.

Tiiviste-Group Oy’s share of ownership and votes in SRV Group Plc before the  transaction:
Number of shares: 1,020,000
Share of ownership and votes: 2.77%

Tiiviste-Group Oy’s share of ownership and votes in SRV Group Plc after the  transaction:
Number of shares: 2,027,000
Share of ownership and votes: 5.51%

The flagging notification has been calculated based on the total amount of SRV Group Plc’s shares and votes: 36,768,468.

Flagging notification 11 April 2011

Notification pursuant to chapter 2 section 10 of the Securities Market Act 

Related to the share arrangement announced today, the portion of shares of SRV Group Plc (1707186-8) has momentarily exceeded 1/20 of the company’s shares.

SRV realized on 11 April 2011part of a derivatives contract concluded between the company and Bank AB (publ.) on 5 January 2010 in respect of 1,356,650 company shares. The derivatives contract will continue in respect of 552,833 shares. After the acquisition of the shares, the company will hold 2,201,700 own shares, representing 5.99% of the company’s shares (including remaining shares under the derivatives contract 2,754,533, representing 7.49% of SRV shares).

SRV implemented a directed share issue in which 1,500,000 million shares were offered for subscription, in deviation from shareholders’ pre-emptive rights. The share issue was subscribed immediately. After the share issue, the company holds 701,700 own shares, representing 1.91% of the company’s shares (including remaining shares under the derivatives contract 1,254,533, representing 3.41% of SRV shares).

Flagging notification 16 March 2011

Disclosure under chapter 2 section 10 of The Securities Market Act 

SRV Group Plc has received a disclosure in accordance with Chapter 2 Section 9 of the Securities Market Act where the portion of shares and voting rights of Nordea Bank AB (publ) in SRV Group Plc has fallen below 1/20 as a result of the transaction made on 15 March 2011 and the portion of shares and voting rights of Nordea Pankki Suomi Oyj has exceeded 1/20.

Flagging notification 20 December 2010

Disclosure under chapter 2 section 9 of the Securities Market Act regarding a change in portion of holdings

The issuer of shares: SRV Group Plc, company ID 1707186-8

Reason for the notification:
Acquisition of shares on 20 Deceber 2010 with transfer of ownership.

The thresholds as intended in the Chapter 2 Section 9 of the Securities Market Act exceed one twentieth (1/20) and one tenth (1/10) of the voting rights and total number of shares.

Name of person subject to the notification obligation: Kokkila, Timo Tapani

Number of shares and portion of shares and voting rights

Number of shares:
Before the acquisition 5,000 shares
After the acquisition 4,522,288 shares

Portion of shares and voting rights:
Before the acquisition 0.00%
After the acquisition 12.30 %

Flagging notification 20 December 2010

Disclosure under chapter 2 section 9 of the Securities Market Act regarding a change in portion of holdings

The issuer of shares: SRV Group Plc, Company ID 1707186-8

Reason for the notification:
Transfer of shares on 20 December 2010 with transfer of ownership.

The threshold as intended in the Chapter 2 Section 9 of the Securities Market Act falls below half (1/2) of the voting rights and total number of shares. When counting the flagging threshold, the direct and indirect ownership of the person subject to the notification obligation, have been included. The indirect ownership has been arranged through Kolpi Investments Oy (Company ID 1990453-6).

Name of person subject to the notification obligation: Kokkila, Ilpo Erkki Tapani

Number of shares and portion of shares and voting rights

Number of shares:
Before the transfer 18,730,129 shares, (direct 13.552.000, indirect 5,178,129)
After the transfer: 14,212,841 shares (direct 9,034,712, indirect 5,178,129)

Portion of shares and voting rights:
Before the transfer: 50.94% (direct 36.86%, indirect 14.08%)
After the transfer: 38.56% (direct 24.57%, indirect 14.08%)

Flagging notification 5 January 2010

Disclosure under chapter 2 section 9 of the Securities Market Act 

SRV Group Plc has received a disclosure in accordance with Chapter 2 Section 9 of the Securities Market Act announcing that on the maturity of the futures contract on 14 May 2010, Nordea Bank Suomi Oyj (1680235-8) has sold to Nordea Bank Ab (publ) (Swedish register number 516406-0120) all 1,909,483 SRV Group Plc’s shares owned by them, therefore the portion of share capital and voting rights of Nordea Pankki Suomi Oyj in SRV Group Plc has decreased below 1/20. Nordea Bank AB (publ) owns now 1,909,483 SRV Group Plc’s shares and its portion of share capital and voting rights is 5.19% exceeding 1/20.

As said in the earlier flagging announcement of 5 January 2010, Nordea Bank AB (publ) has made a total return swap with SRV Group Plc for the same amount of shares. Moreover, according to the agreement the shares will be sold to SRV Group Plc or a party designated by it when the agreement matures. Thus, when the agreement matures in July 2010 Nordea Bank AB’s (publ) portion of ownership of SRV Group Plc’s equity and voting rights will decrease below 1/20.

Moreover, Nordea Life and Pensions S.A. (domicile in Luxemburg, register number B35996) belonging to Nordea Group owns 29,508 SRV Group Plc’s shares, which equals 0.08% of the total number of share capital and voting rights.

The total ownership of Nordea Group in SRV Group Plc is 5.27% at the moment, but will decrease below 1/20 due to what is said above.

Flagging notification 5 January 2010

Disclosure under chapter 2 section 9 of the Securities Market Act regarding a change in portion of holdings

Nordea BankAB (publ) (Swedish company ID 516406-0120) announces that today on 5 January 2010, it has purchased 1,909,483 SRV Group Plc’s shares, and that its ownership of the company is 5.193%, and the portion of ownership of shares and voting rights of Nordea Bank AB (publ) in SRV Group Plc has exceeded 1/20.

Nordea Bank AB (publ) has made a total return swap agreement with SRV Group Plc for the same amount of shares. Moreover, according to the agreement the shares will be sold to SRV Group Plc or a party designated by it when the agreement matures. Thus, when the agreement matures in July 2010 Nordea Bank AB’s (publ) portion of ownership or SRV Group Plc’s equity and voting rights will decrease below 1/20.

Moreover, Nordea Life and Pensions S.A. (domicile in Luxemburg, register number P35.996) belonging to Nordea Group owns 30,808 SRV Group Plc’s shares, which equals 0.084% of the total number of shares and voting rights of SRV Group Plc.

The total ownership of Nordea Group in SRV Group Plc is 5.277% at the moment, but it will decrease below 1/20 due to what is said above.

Flagging notification 5 January 2010

Disclosure under chapter 2 section 9 of the Securities Market Act regarding a change in portion of holdings

1. The issuer of shares: SRV Group Plc
2. Reason for the notification
Sale of shares on 5 January 2010 with transfer of ownership.
The threshold as intended in the Chapter 2 Section 9 of the Securities Market Act falls below one twentieth (1/20) of the voting rights and total number of shares.

3. Name of person subject to the notification obligation: Heliövaara, Eero Juhani

4. Number of shares and portion of shares and voting rights:
Number of shares: before the arrangement 1,909,483 shares, after the arrangement 0 shares
Portion of shares and voting rights: before the arrangement 5.19%, after the arrangement 0%

Flagging notification 13 August 2009

Disclosure under chapter 2 section 9 of the Securities Market Act regarding a change in portion of holdings

1. The issuer of shares: SRV Group Plc
2. Reason for the notification
Agreement that, if completed, will lead to situation in which the shares will be transferred so that the threshold as intended in the Chapter 2 Section 9 of the Securities Market Act falls below one twentieth (1/20) of the voting rights and total number of shares.

3. Name of person subject to the notification obligation: Heliövaara, Eero Juhani

4. Number of shares and portion of shares and voting rights
Number of shares: before the arrangement 1,909,483 shares, after the arrangement 0 shares
Portion of shares and voting rights: before the arrangement 5.19%, after the arrangement 0%

5. Material content of the agreement
Eero Heliövaara, SRV Group Plc and Ilpo Kokkila have on 11 August 2009 concluded a contract stipulating that SRV Group Plc and Ilpo Kokkila commit themselves to buy or to designate a buyer of the 1,909,483 shares owned by Eero Heliövaara so that the shares will be sold on 5 January 2010 at the latest, and that the received price will average EUR 4.45 per share.